[metapost] Re: Conformance to Document Structuring Conventions Specification ver 3.0

Michail Vidiassov master at iaas.msu.ru
Sun Feb 12 23:48:29 CET 2006

DDear Karl,

On Sun, 12 Feb 2006, Karl Berry wrote:

>    actually embedding the font is not a big deal.
> Cool, as long as it's optional and not the default.  Having every mp
> figure include every font would be a disaster for the 90% case of the
> figures being included in TeX (or other) documents where the fonts are
> already present.

Sure, all the talk is about improving "prolog", which is not emitted 
when output is earmarked for TeX use anyway (prologues is 0).

                  Sincerely, Michail
PS. Thank you for pointing me to mpstoeps.
BTW. I have a script that does the same when labels were typeset by groff 
instead of TeX.

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